The Fayette County Reagan Republicans had the privilege of hosting Dave McCormick, the Pennsylvania Republican Candidate for the United States Senate, as our guest speaker last evening. The meeting opened with a word of prayer by Pastor Mark Scott followed by our Pledge of Allegiance.

Click to view all the photos from last night on Facebook

Following a formal introduction by Dr. Garret Breakiron, Dave took the time to explain his background; he was born in Washington, Pa, and raised in Bloomsburg. The son of two lifelong teachers and prominent educators and the oldest of two boys, Dave was raised to understand the value of hard work. Growing up, Dave played football and wrestled, trimmed Christmas trees, delivered newspapers, and bused tables at the Magee Hotel.

Dave was nominated to the United States Military Academy by a Pennsylvania Senator and attended West Point. After graduating, Dave went on to serve in the 82nd Airborne Division as a paratrooper. He was deployed to the Middle East during the First Gulf War and received the Bronze Star for his service in Iraq before retiring as a Captain.

After the Army, Dave earned his Ph.D. in international relations from Princeton University before moving to Pittsburgh to start a career in business. He worked his way up to become CEO of FreeMarkets, a successful tech startup that employed hundreds in Western Pennsylvania.

In 2005, Dave was called to service again, this time in the highest levels of government, including as Undersecretary of Treasury and as Deputy National Security Advisor. For four years Dave spearheaded the fight to protect American technology from Chinese theft, advised the President on key national security issues, and helped negotiate the global response to the 2008 financial crisis.

Following the administration, Dave joined Bridgewater Associates, one of the largest, most successful investment firms in the world. He served as CEO until he resigned to run for Senate in Pennsylvania in 2022.

Dave and his wife Dina are the parents of six bright young women for whom he wants to preserve the American Dream.

Dave explained the importance of reclaiming the American way of life through border security, education, and economy. He was able to explain the threat of the Chinese Communist Party to the United States and how they influence the drug addiction that has dealt a deadly blow to every community in the United States. He explained how the CCP has taken economic advantage through the weak leadership of the Biden
Administration. He also discussed the importance of getting tough on the CCP for American’s security and to have a strong economy by banning China from the benefits of normal trade relations.

Dave was very informative, took the time to answer questions, and to greet and meet those in attendance.

Dave is committed to using his unique leadership experiences over the last four decades to deliver results for the Keystone State. He isn’t afraid to stand up to both parties to do what’s right, and he’ll do whatever it takes to fix our broken economy and restore the American Dream for all Pennsylvanians and future generations.

The Fayette County Reagan Republicans are a political action committee with conservative values that provide a platform for conservative candidates to share why we the people should elect them to serve us. We believe in the operational principles practiced by one of the most successful presidents in American History, Ronald Reagan.